The Secrets Of King Tut’s Tomb – Egypt’s Youngest King

The Secret of King Tut's Tomb

In 1922, King Tut’s tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The Egyptian young king, who ruled for just nine years, became one of the most famous pharaohs in history. He died at the age of 19. Now, almost 100 years later, new evidence is shedding light on the final days of Tutankhamun’s reign.

Who is Howard Carter?

Howard Carter

In 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of ancient Egypt’s King Tutankhamun. The find was momentous, and it changed Carter’s life forever.

Before the discovery, Carter had been working in Egypt for many years, but he was largely unsuccessful. The tomb of King Tut, however, made him famous overnight. Suddenly, everyone wanted to know about the man who had found the long-lost tomb of the boy king.

Carter spent the rest of his life touring the world and giving lectures about his amazing discovery. He also wrote a book about it, which helped to cement his place in history. Thanks to Howard Carter, we now know a lot more about King Tut and ancient Egypt.

Who Was King Tutankhamun?

who was king tut

Tutankhamun, also known King Tut, was an Egyptian pharaoh who was the last of his royal family to rule during the end of the 18th Dynasty. He is probably most famous for his intact tomb which was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter.

During his reign, he moved the capital back to Thebes from Akhetaten. He also initiated building projects such as temples at Karnak and Luxor. One of the most well known facts about Tutankhamun is that he died at a young age, around 18 or 19. The cause of his death is still unknown but there are many theories.

Who Were Boy King’s Parents?

KV55-mummy of King Tut’s Father

In the early 20th century, archaeologists excavated the tomb of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. The mummy inside was believed to be that of Akhenaten, who ruled during the 18th dynasty. Akhenaten is identified as the mummy found in the tomb KV55. The discovery of this tomb has shed new light on Akhenaten and his family.

Akhenaten was a controversial figure in his time. He is known for his radical religious beliefs and for changing the capital of Egypt from Thebes to Amarna. He was also known for his six daughters with his queen, Nefertiti. These daughters were: Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten, Neferneferuaten Tasherit, Neferneferure, and Setepenre.

However, DNA tests in 2010 revealed that the mummy was not Akhenaten, but rather his son, Tutankhamun. This finding has led scholars to reassess what is known about Akhenaten and his reign.

Akhenaten is believed to have been born in 1367 BCE. He was the son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye. His wife was Nefertiti, with whom he had six children. In around 1353 BCE, Amenhotep III died and Akhenaten became pharaoh.

He ruled for 17 years before dying in 1336 BCE. During his reign, he made radical changes to Egyptian religion and society.

His mother is his father’s sister, who was found in KV35. So these were King Tut and his relatives.

Who Was King Tut’s Wife?

King Tut's Wife

When King Tutankhamun married his paternal half-sister Ankhesenamun, they were both just teenagers. They were married for about four years and during that time, they lost two daughters. The first was stillborn and the second died shortly after birth. Their marriage was short-lived. It represented the end of the Amarna Period and the return to traditional Egyptian values.

Reign Of King Tut

Reign Of King Tut

Tutankhamun was between eight and nine years of age when he ascended the throne and became pharaoh. He reigned for about nine years.

The Egyptian boy king became pharaoh in 1332 B.C. at the age of nine. Tut ruled Egypt at a time of conflict, when battles over land raged between Egypt and Nubia. Tut was a strong and effective leader, and under his rule Egypt prospered.

Tutankhamun’s reign was a time of great change in Egypt. He abandoned the religious innovations of his father, Akhenaten, and restored the traditional gods and temples. He moved the capital back to Thebes (now Luxor) from Pharaoh Akhenaten (now Amarna).

When And How Tut Died ?

king tut death

New evidence suggests that Tutankhamun, the boy king who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, may have died from complications caused by a genetic bone disorder.

For many years it was believed that Tutankhamun died of an infected broken leg. However, a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that he may have actually died from a rare genetic bone disorder.

The study’s authors analyzed DNA samples from Tutankhamun’s mummy and found evidence of a genetic mutation that would have caused him to have weak bones and joint problems. It’s possible that this condition led to the broken leg that eventually killed him.

Many studies say that he suffered from malaria. The cause of Tutankhamun’s death is still a mystery but there are many theories. One theory is that he was murdered, possibly by his own vizier, Ay.

While we may never know for sure how Tutankhamun died, this new study provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of one of history’s most famous rulers.

How King Tut’s Tomb Was Found?

king tuts tomb

It all started on November 4, 1922, when excavators led by Carter discovered a step cut into the valley floor of a largely unexplored part of Egypt. By November 23, the discovery was made near the tomb of Tutankhamun, and it sparked a new wave of interest in the area.

For years, archaeologists had been searching for the tomb of Tutankhamun, and Carter’s discovery finally led them to it. The tomb was filled with treasure, and it was one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in history.

The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb spurred a new era of exploration in Egypt, and it has given us a glimpse into the lives of the ancient Egyptians.

What Was Found In The King Tut’s Tomb?

king tuts tomb treasure

A team of archaeologists has uncovered a previously unknown chamber in the tomb of Tutankhamun. The chamber contains a sarcophagus with the remains of a woman, who is thought to be Queen Nefertiti. This discovery could help to solve one of ancient Egypt’s biggest mysteries – what happened to Nefertiti?

The story of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti is one that has captivated people for centuries.

The tomb was filled with treasures, and it is believed that Pharaoh Tutankhamun was buried there because he died suddenly and did not have time to prepare a proper burial. The discovery of the tomb sparked a renewed interest in ancient Egyptian culture, and Tutankhamun has become one of the most famous pharaohs in history.

King Tut’s Burial Hoard

King Tut's Burial Hoard

King Tut’s burial hoard is one of the most unique ever found. His tomb contained a gold burial mask, musical instruments, hunting equipment, jewelry and six chariots. This shows that he was a wealthy and powerful individual. It is believed that he was buried with all of his possessions so that he could continue to enjoy them in the afterlife.

The Secrets Of King Tut’s Tomb

3000 Years Old Tomb

3000 years old tomb

King Tut’s tomb is believed to have been built more than 3,000 years ago. Archeologists believe that the tomb was built for Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who ruled from 1332 to 1322 B.C. Tomb for Tut is located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. Egypt’s Valley of the Kings is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. The tomb is known for its lavishly decorated walls and chambers.

How Big Is King Tut’s Tomb?

How Big Is King Tut's Tomb

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has announced that the burial chamber of King Tut’s tomb measured 19.7 feet (6 meters) by 13.1 feet (4 meters).

This is the first time that the precise measurements of the tomb have been released to the public. The tomb is located in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor.

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities says that the recent measurements of the tomb were taken using modern technology, and that they are more accurate than previous estimates.

Tomb Structure

king tuts tomb inside

King Tutankhamun’s tomb is one of the most mysterious and intriguing discoveries in modern history. The tomb, contains three coffins – one inside the other. The outermost coffin is made of gilded wood and is in the shape of an Osirian – a god associated with death and resurrection. The coffin is adorned with blue and red glass ornaments and silver handles.

The middle coffin, which is made of gold, is in the shape of a human body. This coffin is also decorated with blue and red glass ornaments, as well as images of Tutankhamun’s family members.

The innermost coffin, which is made of solid gold, contains the mummy of King Tutankhamun. This coffin is decorated with images of the gods Osiris, Isis and Horus.

Objects Recovered From The King’s Tomb

king tuts belongings

The tomb, which had been sealed for over 3,000 years, was packed with priceless treasures. These objects hidden behind the walls.

Among the most amazing objects recovered from the tomb were Tut’s gold coffin, his jewel-encrusted throne, and a solid gold statue of the king. Also found in the tomb were hundreds of artifacts made of precious metals and stones, including jewelry, weapons, and everyday objects.

The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb was one of the most important archaeological finds in history. It not only shed new light on the ancient Egyptian civilization, but it also gave us a glimpse into the life of one of its most famous rulers.

Total Worth Of The Treasure


The tomb, which had been hidden for over 3,000 years, was filled with stunning artifacts and treasures that are now said to be worth $26 million.

The discovery of King Tut’s tomb was a watershed moment in our understanding of ancient Egyptian culture and history. The tomb’s contents have shed new light on how the Egyptians lived, worked and worshipped. The treasures found inside King Tut’s tomb are truly priceless and have given us a glimpse into a fascinating world that was once lost to time.

Who Else Was Buried In His Tomb?

The tomb was packed with over 5,000 artifacts, including several dead people. The King had two daughters who died shortly. Two of these people were Tut’s stillborn daughters, who were found in an unmarked box that contained two wooden coffins.

Where is King Tut’s Body Now?

king tuts body 2022

The tomb, which is located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, was packed with treasures, including Tutankhamun’s mummy.

For almost a century, Tutankhamun’s mummy remained on public display in his tomb. However, in 2015, the Egyptian government decided to move the mummy to a climate-controlled glass box inside the tomb’s chamber.

The decision to move the mummy was made in order to protect it from deteriorating further. While the glass box is not as glamorous as Tutankhamun’s original sarcophagus and coffins, it will help to preserve his remains for future generations.


In conclusion, King Tutankhamun was a young pharaoh who ruled for just nine years, but he became one of the most famous pharaohs in history. His tomb is one of the most well-preserved tombs from ancient Egypt, and it is full of treasures. King Tutankhamun was a symbol of hope for the Egyptian people, and his legacy continues to inspire people today.

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