Interesting Facts About Easter Island

Facts about easter island

Did you know some interesting facts about Easter Island? No? Then checkout this amazing article !!

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is most famous for its nearly 1,000 extant monumental statues are called moai, located in the pacific ocean. These monolithic human figures were carved by the early Rapa Nui people from rock between 1250 and 1500 A.D. and range in height from 4 to 21 feet tall and weigh up to 86 tons. The moai were originally erected on stone platforms called ahu around the island’s perimeter. Today, many of the statues are in various states of disrepair, but they continue to be a source of fascination for tourists and archaeologists alike.

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The Easter Island is located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and is a territory of Chile. It is one of the most isolated inhabited islands in the world and is thought to have been first settled by Polynesians sometime between 700 and 1100 A.D.

How Old Are The Moai Statues?

Facts About Easter Island

The island is famous for its huge stone statues, called moai, which were created by the island’s Polynesian inhabitants.

The exact date when the first Polynesians arrived on Easter Island is unknown, but there is evidence that they were living on the island by 1200 AD. The most likely explanation is that they sailed there from other Polynesian islands, although some experts believe that they may have arrived from South America. There are about 900 moai on Easter Island, and many of them are still standing today.

The Most Remote Inhabited Island

easter island

Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world. The nearest inhabited land is Pitcairn Island, which is nearly 2,000 miles away. Easter Island is a Chilean territory and home to about 5,800 people. The island’s economy is based mainly on tourism and agriculture.

The nearest town with a population over 500 is Rikitea. Rikitea is located on Mangareva Island, which is part of the French Polynesia chain of islands. Rikitea has a population of 1,200 and is the capital of the Gambier Islands.

Easter Island is best known for its mysterious stone statues, called moai. The Rapa Nui people have a rich culture and history. They have their own language and traditions. The island was first settled by Polynesian migrants about 1,500 years ago.

Why Is This Island Called Easter Island?

Why Is This Island Called Easter Island?

The name “Easter Island” was given by the island’s first recorded European visitor, the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen. The island was discovered on Easter Sunday in 1722 and named after the holiday. Today, the island is a popular tourist destination known for its unique history and culture.

Easter Island is home to some of the world’s most famous statues, called moai. These statues were carved by the native people of Easter Island and are believed to represent their ancestors. There are over 800 moai on the island, many of which can be seen at the Easter Island Museum.

Visitors to Easter Island can also enjoy its beautiful beaches, hiking trails, and other outdoor activities. The island is a perfect place to relax and enjoy nature, as well as learn about its rich history and culture.

Total Area Of Easter Island?

Total Area Of Easter Island

Easter Island is a small triangular island located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. The island is about 24.6 km long by 12.3 km at its widest point, and has a maximum elevation of 507 m above the sea level.

There are three Rano (freshwater lakes), at Rano Kau, Rano Raraku and Rano Aroi, near the summit of Terevaka. It has no permanent rivers or streams.


easter island volcano

Easter Island, a volcanic high island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, is one of the most isolated islands on Earth. The island is home to three extinct volcanoes – Terevaka, which forms the bulk of the island, while others are Poike and Rano Kau.

Easter Island is famous for its stone statues, or moai, which were carved by the Rapa Nui people between 1250 and 1500 CE. The statues are thought to represent deceased ancestors and were erected along with stone platforms called ahu. Today, Easter Island is a World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination.

Easter Island and the surrounding islets of Motu Nui and Motu Iti form the summit of a large volcanic mountain rising over 2,000 m from the sea bed. This makes for a stunningly beautiful view, as the islets are lush and green, while the volcano is still active, with a plume of smoke often visible.

easter island geology

The island was formed by a hotspot in the Earth’s mantle, which created a chain of volcanoes. The Easter Island volcano is thought to be around 3 million years old, and last erupted in 1770. The surrounding islets are also volcanic in origin, and are thought to be around 1 million years old.

The isolation of Easter Island means that it is home to some unique plants and animals, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.

Climate Condition In Easter Island

easter island climate

Easter Island has a unique weather pattern that alternates between sunny and dry conditions to cooler and wetter conditions. The warmest months on the island are typically January through March, while the coolest months are usually June through August. This can make for some interesting weather patterns on the island, especially during the summer months.

The average warmest temperature is 73 °F (23 °C) and the average coldest temperature is 64 °F (18 °C). Average annual precipitation is about 49 inches (1,250 mm) but it varies. September is the most driest month, and the heaviest rainfall occurs in June and July. There are irregular winds during June and August.

Stones Used To Built Moai

Stones Used To Built Moai

The Rapa Nui people had a Stone Age culture and made extensive use of local stone. They were skilled in stoneworking, and used stone to make tools, weapons, and sculptures. The Rapa Nui people also built stone houses, which were sturdy and long-lasting.

They used the following stones:

  • Basalt – a hard stone
  • Obsidian – a volcanic glass with sharp edges
  • Red Scoria –  a very light red stone
  • Tuff – a much more easily worked rock than basalt

Statues In Easter Island

Statues In Easter Island

A total of 887 monolithic stone statues have been inventoried on the island and in museum collections. Some statues have the torsos, some are just heads, some are complete figures with all four limbs. The largest statue, called “El Gigante” is over 20 meters (65 ft) high and weighs 82 tons.

A small number of statues on Easter Island have their hands over their stomachs, as if they are kneeling in prayer. It is a mystery why these particular statues were created this way. Some believed that the island statue-makers were trying to depict an important religious figure. Others believe that the statues may have been meant to represent a person who was sick or in pain. Whatever the reason, these statues are unique and fascinating examples of Easter Island’s rich history.


In conclusion, Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is a small island located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. The island is famous for its dramatic landscape and for its role in the Easter Island heads mystery. In this article we have discussed some interesting facts about Easter Island that you may not know.

Easter Island is home to the world’s largest statue, known as Moai. These statues were carved out of volcanic rock by the early inhabitants of the island and stand up to 33 feet tall. More than 900 Moai have been found on Easter Island, with approximately half still remaining on the island.

Easter Island is an amazing and unique place with a fascinating history. It is definitely worth a visit if you ever have the chance. And who knows, maybe you’ll even see a moai up close!

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I am Sarah Waqas. I’m a professional content creator with a passion for writing travel blogs. I enjoy researching and writing about new places to visit.  My goal is to always provide my readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information possible. I also enjoy interacting with my readers and hearing their feedback.

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