6 Luxurious Castles Near Prague

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Before reserving a trip to England or Germany, you may want to look into traveling to the Czech Republic instead. That nation is the most castle-heavy in the world. The castles near Prague are definitely worth visiting. Prague holds more than 2,000 castles. Spearheading castle viewing from the Czech Republic’s capital, Prague, is a wonderful place to begin.

As one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, Prague is unsurprisingly home to a number of beautiful castles. These castles, many of which are located within a short drive of the city center, offer visitors a chance to experience a piece of Czech history. While each castle has its own unique story, all are worth a visit for anyone interested in learning more about this Central European country.

castles near prague

Prague has its share of elegant landmarks, but the charm of its surroundings also goes far beyond what’s visible within the city itself. Parts of the castles are scattered across the countryside and hold a deeper historical significance than most people realize.

The Czech Republic is home to many beautiful castles, and Prague is no exception. Within easy reach of the city are a number of stunning castles that make for a perfect day trip. Here are just a few of the most popular ones.

Prague Castle

prague castle

The Prague Castle takes up a prominent place in the Czech nation. It was established in the 9th century and has been the seat of Czech rulers and later presidents. The castle consists of a palace, office, church and fortification structures, gardens and picturesque areas.

Why is Prague Castle worth visiting?

Prague Castle is one of the oldest and largest castles in the world, sprawled across almost 70,000 square meters of land. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Prague Castle is the largest coherent castle complex in the world, with a square footage of close to 70,000 sq.

Prague Castle is a tourist destination renowned for its unique architecture, which is popular with tourists. The castle has an approximate 1.8 million visitors annually, having been built in approximately the year 870. Its rich history spans over 1000 years.

Kost Castle

Kost Castle

Unlike other castles near Prague, Kost is not perched on a hill. It was instead built deep within a dense forest to protect it from attacks.The castle’s name refers to its stone walls that were said to be as strong as bone.

Walk for the whole family! You will have the opportunity to see a castle from the 13th century, a great valley with interesting rock formations, nature and a charming village with charming old houses.

Zvikov Castle

Zvikov Castle

Previously referred to as “the king of Czech castles,” the castle near Olomouc. often takes its name from being one of the grandest fortifications from Gothic architecture.

Zvikov Castle, which sits on a promontory high above the confluence of the Otava and Vltava Rivers, is surrounded by breathtaking views. At least once in its history, this castle also housed the King’s Crown Jewels. Unfortunately, Zvikov Castle fell into decrepit disrepair some time ago.

And by the 1840s, Zvikov Castle was almost ruined. Thankfully, the Schwarzenberg family invested the money and time necessary to restore it to its former glory by the 1980s. The castle also hosts classic and romantic light shows.

Okoř Castle

Okoř Castle

The history of a small village in the Czech Republic dates back to the 13th century. The hamlet of Oko, northwest of Prague, was built in 1228. Situated approximately 15 kilometers away from the hustle and bustle of Prague is the beautiful Okor Castle.

As civilization improved and relocated into the town, the old castles of Prague came under scrutiny. Francyzk Rokyansky was thus a leading personality responsible for this groundbreaking transformation. He spent a considerable time living in the structures as his own residence.

Křivoklát Castle

Křivoklát Castle

One of the most critical attractions in the Czech Republic is Kivoklat Castle. The castle of Kricoklat was first built in the 12th century, and originally belonged to the Kings of Bohemia; the castle served as a royal palace, and was impressively decorated and well-maintained.

After it was destroyed by fire multiple times, the castle had prisoners such as Edward Kelley and Burkhard von Berlichingen. Today, the castle is the location of a museum and draws quite a lot of tourists.

Castle from the outside looks fantastic, and it’s just a few subway stops away, making Prague a fun day trip.

Kokorin Castle

Kokorin Castle

Kokorin Castle is in the middle of a wild landscape near the southern tip of the Kokorin Valley, north of the village of that name. Approximately six miles away from Melnik in the West Kamené Region of the Czech Republic, The castle is beautiful and intriguing and has a breathtaking view.

Initially, it was a medieval castle built on local sandstone in the late days of King Jan Lucemburrk.
Castle Kokorin, like many other castles in the Czech Republic, was heavily damaged during and after the Hussite Wars, and was later left to ruin for several centuries.


In conclusion, the castles near Prague are definitely worth visiting. They are each unique in their own way and offer something for everyone. Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or just want to take in the beauty of the area, these castles are sure to please. So next time you’re in the Czech Republic, be sure to add a few of these castles to your itinerary.

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I am Sarah Waqas. I’m a professional content creator with a passion for writing travel blogs. I enjoy researching and writing about new places to visit.  My goal is to always provide my readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information possible. I also enjoy interacting with my readers and hearing their feedback.

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